What Slows Down Your App Success Rate

The applications fitting our daily lives is not a new scenario to discuss herewith, rather it is a very common situation to deal with in today’s time.
However, this very increase in the usage of app technology has originated many other advancements imbibed within the expectations to erupt from the end-users.
To meet this demand and cope up with the expectations, many new technological inventions are taking a slide into the world of app development and this very technology has emerged as one of the amazing inventions, making people well-versed with new ways of doing the tasks smartly.
Mobile apps have offered the new version of computing to the people which are proving to be quite interesting and enjoyable by the users.
Despite these new inventions and technologies to make their head stand with pride in the app world, there are certain apps, which face the glitch of slow-process to and fail to impress the users.
Well, this largely happens due to the number of reasons, which slows down the growth of the mobile app and gradually slips the app in the valley of extinction.
Oops!!! That sounds scary.
Is there a way to combat this problem?
Yes, there is not just one way, but in multiple ways, which if taken into consideration can help your mobile app to escape the unnatural death faced by the app.
Intricate UI Design
UI basically stands for the User interface, which largely defines the users’ experience. The UI design of an app decides the look and feel that an app will deliver to the users.
Good design always attracts the users and enhances their experience of using an app, whereas a Bad design always drifts users’ attention.
So there must be compatibility between the user and the app. Sometimes the thought of creating something unique leads to a complex design which is truly difficult for the people to understand and use it.
Complex designs are neither recommended nor preferred by the users thus, affecting the growth of the apps.
Failing To Adopt Marketing Strategy
Mobile apps are nothing lesser than a product and they too are in dire need of marketing, helping to create awareness about their existence in the market to the targeted audience.
Hence skipping the marketing is nothing lesser than a SIN for your mobile app’s future and you MUST NOT avoid it in any given situation.
This is the only way through which your audience gets to know about your app and create a community around it to help it succeed further.
Only the formation of the perfect app is not enough to rule the market, also the right approach to expand the reach of an app is important.
Marketing is not only beneficial from the marketer’s point of view but it also helps the customers to get the information about the apps. Hence, marketing is the powerful tool to drive more customers and get connected with them.
Lack of Uniqueness
To create a unique app is the foremost priority of every developer. Users admire something which is not just new but creative as well.
The app market is flooded with various options, but unless your app offers something different, then don’t expect your users to pick your app, as it sounds ordinary and not exceptionally unique.
Therefore, you must research the prevailing apps and find room for creativity and avoid the horror of least creativity within your app.
Adding Too Many Features
Many features only confuse and irritate the users!!!
Limit your features integration within the app, by infusing many features in an app, you only create a ruckus in your users’ thought process.
An app coming with complex and many features make it a hard nut to crack for the users.
Users looking for something that is easy to understand and access. Hence, developers should emphasize the no. of features need to be integrated into an app for the easy accessibility.
Slow Responsive App
If your app takes ages to load due to any reason; be it that alluring animation or the heavy but relevant images within your app, but such reasons do not concern your users, and they are more willing to know the final output.
If your app is consuming much time to load, then your users would never entertain its existence at any cost.
Remember your app users are highly demanding and they cannot digest the glitches of performance.
Hence work vigorously on your app’s performance and loading time, an ideal loading time speaks of only 6-7 seconds, beyond this always irk the users.
Outdated Version
Technology is ever improving and if you are not going to integrate the latest technology or the outdated version in your application then be ready to accept the troll of users.
As an app developer, you need to stay up-to-date about the latest trends of the technologies, to help the users stay glued to your mobile app.
Hence integrate the most innovative and creative technology innovations to be a part of your app.
Avoiding Testing
Don’t avoid testing, it is highly important and doesn’t expect your users to entertain an app which is full of bugs and give nothing but crashes.
TEST your app before making it LIVE on the store.
If the app is released in the market without testing then there are possibilities of error in an app and this will lower down the value of an app in the market.
Your application represents your business; hence a mistake in it builds a wrong image of your business.
If you are willing your app to be an impeccable brand identity for your business, then you must not give it to any natïve app developer, rather you must focus on getting the leading mobile app development company on board to craft a unique mobile app for your specific needs.
To wrap up I can say, a wrong choice made during the app development process can cost you the success of your application, hence don’t take it casually and pay attention to craft a better experience for your users.


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